Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Girl: Happy

I hate that summer's more than half over. How abysmal! Luckily I have a storehouse of topics I've been locking away so that I have things to write about during the less inspiring seasons. Anyway, it's that time again! Here's an ode to the lately-marvelous:

I just watched Exit Through the Gift Shop. So fantastic. I think street art should absolutely, positively be legalized. The song during the beginning credits made me super happy, too. Listen for yourself. A new fave, I'd say.


It's like, I've been waiting for it my whole life and didn't even know it: Clothing inspired by literature. Throw in a free eclair and by golly you've encompassed three of my very favorites into one little thrill...
...And there's more where that came from! Feast your peepers:

I cannot, repeat, CANNOT, get enough of these. They are more crave-worthy than anything I've ever encountered. (*Disclaimer: I am prone to picturesque exaggeration, but for the time being, they really are the most cravetastic thing ever.)

And how delightful is this? Thank you, Forever 21, for always putting out, and for never charging me too much for it. Especially in this case, since this was from my Mama Dearest. 

A great reminder about the preciousness of time, I think. If you can scrape together three buckaroos, go get one for yourself { here }

And lastly, but not ever leastly, 

The ever-so-majestic Stewart Falls. The fam and I hiked to this recently and Oh Delilah... It was just the most exquisite way to spend a Sunday evening. The hike down was so scenic and fragrant and lush- my senses were exquisitely enthralled. I have yet to complete my fantasy of bathing underneath a waterfall, however, I consider the mists from these particular falls that tip-toed on my face like fairies' footsteps to be a small prelude of what is to come...

That's all for now, darlings. Peace and Love.

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